A Testament Of Solidarity: Morocco’s Unwavering Commitment To The Palestinian Cause – OpEd


In a significant display of unity and solidarity, Mr. Nizar Baraka, the Secretary-General of the Istiqlal Party, recently welcomed a delegation of senior Palestinian figures from Jerusalem and Gaza at the Allal El Fassi Foundation. This delegation, led by Mr. Ashraf Hassan Abbas Al-A’war, the Palestinian Minister of Jerusalem Affairs, underscored a profound moment of camaraderie and mutual respect between Morocco and Palestine.

The visit was not merely a formal diplomatic engagement; it was a testament to the deep-rooted humanitarian and political bonds that tie the two nations. The Palestinian delegation’s commendation of the medical aid initiative to Gaza, directed by the noble instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, epitomizes Morocco’s unwavering dedication to the Palestinian cause. This act of compassion and assistance highlights Morocco’s commitment to alleviating the suffering of the Palestinian people, a cause that resonates deeply within the Moroccan consciousness.

Mr. Baraka’s remarks during the meeting were a poignant reminder of where the Palestinian issue stands in Morocco’s national priorities. He emphasized that after the issue of the Moroccan territorial integrity, the Palestinian cause is paramount. This sentiment is not confined to political rhetoric; it is a reflection of the genuine concern and empathy that permeates the hearts of Moroccans, from  the sovereign to the citizens.

The unity between Morocco and Palestine is not a recent development; it is a historical bond that has been fortified through shared struggles and aspirations. The Kingdom of Morocco has consistently stood by the Palestinian people, advocating for their rights on international platforms and providing tangible support in times of need. The Moroccan solidarity is rooted in a shared belief in justice, dignity, and the right of all peoples to self-determination.

As Mr. Baraka reiterated, Morocco’s support for the Palestinian quest for their legitimate rights is unwavering. The vision of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital is not just a political stance; it is a moral imperative that reflects Morocco’s commitment to justice and peace. This support is a constant in the Moroccan national policy, transcending political changes and remaining steadfast through time.

In these times of global uncertainty, the hope for a better future for the Palestinian people remains a guiding principle for Morocco.  The dedication to their cause is a reflection of Morocco’s broader commitment to human rights and international solidarity. ‘It is our sincere belief that through collective efforts, justice will prevail, and the Palestinian people will achieve their rightful place among the nations of the world.” 

The meeting at the Allal El Fassi Foundation is a reminder of the enduring bonds between the two peoples. It is a call to the international community to recognize and support the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people. Morocco’s commitment, as articulated by Mr. Baraka, is a beacon of hope and a model of steadfast solidarity that we hope will inspire others to join in the pursuit of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East.

In conclusion, Morocco’s stance on the Palestinian issue is clear and resolute. Morocco’s support is not a mere diplomatic gesture but a deeply held conviction. Mr Baraka stated:”We stand with the Palestinian people in their quest for justice, dignity, and independence. And we remain hopeful that, through perseverance and solidarity, a brighter and more equitable future awaits our Palestinian brothers and sisters.”

Said Temsamani

Said Temsamani is a Moroccan political observer and consultant, who follows events in his country and across North Africa. He is a member of Washington Press Club.

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