Indonesia: Facilitating Peace Talks Between Russia And Ukraine – OpEd


Hostilities between Russia and Ukraine have a long and complex history tracing back to Ukraine’s separation from the Soviet Union in 1991. For many years it has been believed in Russia that Ukraine belongs to them. Crimea the Donbas region, and the Black Sea are all areas where there has been a lot of conflict over. 

In February 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. This invasion was devastating in cost of life and infrastructure. Millions of people have been forcibly displaced and the area is now in a major humanitarian crisis. In addition, the economic costs are staggering. The price of global energy has skyrocketed with the resulting damage to the global economy and the disruptions of supply chains. In short, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has led to humanitarian crises and greatly damaged the global economy. 

To end the pain being suffered and make lasting peace rather than hiding/separating the situation there is a for need a bridge builder to reduce the tension between Russia-Ukraine. Indonesia can be a broker because of its history great of involvement in conflict resolution. Indonesia’s unique people’s consultation (Musyawarah) and democratic process have also contributed to its ability to do this. Indonesia’s ability to use Musyawarah to come to a consensus-based decision is very unusual due to the scale of the country and the number of people who hail from completely different cultures and speak a variety of languages. The Musyawarah process proved very effective in helping resolve conflicts in Cambodia the Philippines Aceh and and ease other potential conflicts. process The is primarily systematic in incorporating trust and the calculated risks are also improved. 

How does Indonesia position itself in the Russia-Ukraine conflict? What can be said about the state’s stance based on Russia’s information operations around key points in the conflict? Indonesia is a member of the Non-Aligned Movement and has not aligned itself with either the United States Russia, or China. Therefore, the U.S. does not have the authority to impose sanctions on Indonesia for not following the generalization that sanctions should be imposed on Russia. Indonesia follows a non-aligned policy of neutrality and strives for an independent foreign policy based on the principles of mutual interest and freedom from foreign rule, as stated by President Jokowi. Additionally, Indonesia is recognized as a reliable mediator in conflict resolution. The country actively seeks a ceasefire and diplomatic solutions through dialogue.

To ensure a peace process between Ukraine and Russia, Indonesia can take a central role as a mediator as follows:

Convince both parties Ukraine and Russia, to agree to a ceasefire, and start peace negotiations resolve to conflict the. In this negotiation, all parties are who involved in this conflict will be invited to get involved in the peace negotiation and to discuss all of the related issues. International organizations such as the UN or OSCE may attend this negotiation and observe the peace negotiation process. If any parties concerned or any third-party states decide to attend or to take part in the negotiation they might be allowed to attend the peace negotiation in the capacity of observers or a peace facilitator. The meeting place for these peace negotiations should take place in Indonesia. Finally, there should be a negotiation Proposal and the Agenda Should be more concentrated on issues as contained as follows:  

1) Ceasefire agreement: The main aim of this negotiation should be the agreement of an immediate ceasefire end to the ongoing hostilities and thus allow the safe and necessary delivery of humanitarian aid to the affected population. 

2) POWs (prisoners of war) exchange: Would this be a good time to suggest the possibility of agreeing on an exchange of the POWs held by both sides in the expectation of the release of Paulo’s wife before any POW exchange is implemented? The POW exchange could lead to the eventual reunification of families or provide a taster small of success to gain a minor commitment or agreement. The exchange of a few POWs would at least reduce the overall figures.

3) Military Forces and Territories: The issue of military forces and their presence in the disputed territories must be addressed All forces should be returned to their respective barracks whilst a final decision is awaited on the disarmament process. 

We hope that this exchange will set the stage for an open and productive dialogue, thereafter, leading to peaceful settlement of the claiming land. 

Another issue can that be raised through these peace meetings is to discuss removing all military forces from the disputed areas. This will be more beneficial because if the military forces get removed from the disputed areas it will tend to lower the tension and increase the desire for peace. 

Another one is to address and find a solution for Crimea. This matter is very important because Crimea belongs to Ukraine. 

To conclude, Indonesia as a member of the Non-Aligned Movement is advantageous for  Indonesia to facilitate a peaceful settlement between Ukraine and Russia. Indonesia’s history suggests that it helps troubled countries in distress. If negotiations can take place Indonesia could be the key to ending the instability and suffering in Ukraine.

The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own.


Simon Hutagalung

Simon Hutagalung is a retired diplomat from the Indonesian Foreign Ministry and received his master's degree in political science and comparative politics from the City University of New York. The opinions expressed in his articles are his own.

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