Pakistan’s Quest For Peace – OpEd


In the face of a deteriorating security situation, Pakistan’s top civilian and military leadership has decisively opted for a new multi-faceted nationwide counterterrorism campaign, dubbed Operation Azm-e-Istehkam, or Resolve for Stability. This comprehensive and decisive initiative, greenlighted during a high-powered meeting chaired by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, is not just a reactionary measure but a strategically essential move for the nation’s survival and well-being.

Pakistan has been grappling with near-daily terrorist attacks, primarily targeting security personnel. This alarming frequency of attacks has highlighted the urgent need for a robust and multifaceted approach to counterterrorism. According to the South Asia Terrorism Portal, the country has witnessed over 300 terrorism-related deaths so far this year. The first half of 2024 alone saw the tragic loss of dozens of security personnel in militant attacks and counterterrorism operations. The provinces of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, bordering Afghanistan, have been the epicenters of these violent activities. Last year, the nation recorded a six-year high in terrorism fatalities, underscoring the escalating threat posed by extremist groups, particularly the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). The TTP, reportedly enjoying sanctuaries in neighboring Afghanistan, has been a significant source of terror in Pakistan, despite Afghan Taliban denials of cross-border activities.

The Need for a Renewed Strategy

Given this grim context, Operation Azm-e-Istehkam is not only timely but also essential. The campaign’s multi-faceted nature aims to address terrorism through intensified military efforts, comprehensive legislative actions, and enhanced regional cooperation. This approach is a marked improvement over previous counterterrorism strategies that were often reactive and lacked a cohesive framework. The Apex Committee on the National Action Plan, which reviewed the ongoing counterterrorism campaign, emphasized the need for legislative reforms to ensure effective prosecution of terrorism-related cases. Historically, Pakistan’s judicial system has struggled to convict terror suspects due to insufficient evidence and legal loopholes. The new campaign seeks to close these gaps, empowering law enforcement agencies to deliver exemplary punishments to terrorists, thus enhancing the deterrent effect of legal repercussions.

Diplomatic Dimensions and Regional Cooperation

In addition to military and legal measures, Azm-e-Istehkam incorporates a strong diplomatic component aimed at curtailing the operational space for terrorists through regional cooperation. This is particularly crucial as terrorism in Pakistan is often linked to regional dynamics, especially the situation in Afghanistan. By fostering stronger ties and collaboration with neighboring countries, Pakistan can address the root causes of terrorism and prevent cross-border militant activities more effectively.

Ensuring the Safety of Chinese Nationals

A significant aspect of the new counterterrorism operation is the emphasis on protecting Chinese nationals working in Pakistan. This focus stems from increasing pressure from China, a critical economic partner, to ensure the security of its workers following several deadly attacks on Chinese nationals in recent years. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a flagship project under China’s Belt and Road Initiative, has been a particular target for terrorists, jeopardizing billions of dollars in investment and crucial infrastructure development. Following the tragic attack in March that killed five Chinese nationals and their Pakistani driver, Pakistan has redoubled its efforts to enhance the protection of Chinese citizens. New Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and the formation of specialized security units underscore Islamabad’s commitment to addressing Beijing’s security concerns. This move is not only vital for maintaining strong bilateral relations but also for ensuring the continued inflow of Chinese investment, which is indispensable for Pakistan’s economic stability.

Learning from Past Operations

Pakistan’s history of counterterrorism operations, particularly those conducted between 2009 and 2017, offers valuable lessons for Azm-e-Istehkam. These past operations were successful in eliminating thousands of militants and dismantling terrorist cells but also resulted in significant collateral damage, including mass displacement of citizens and extensive property destruction. The new campaign must navigate these challenges carefully, ensuring that military actions do not exacerbate the suffering of local populations or undermine public support. The recent wave of Jirga, or consultative public gatherings, in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa reflects the growing concerns of local communities over militant violence and frequent counterterrorism operations. It is imperative that Azm-e-Istehkam incorporates the voices and concerns of these communities, fostering a collaborative approach to security that prioritizes the protection of civilians and the restoration of normalcy.

Operation Azm-e-Istehkam represents a crucial and timely intervention in Pakistan’s ongoing battle against terrorism. By integrating military, legal, and diplomatic efforts, this comprehensive strategy aims to decisively combat the menace of extremism and terrorism. The campaign’s success will hinge on its ability to adapt lessons from past operations, address legal and operational challenges, and secure the cooperation of regional partners. In the face of mounting security threats and the pressing need to safeguard both national and international stakeholders, Azm-e-Istehkam stands as a beacon of resolve for stability. It is a bold affirmation that Pakistan is committed to eradicating terrorism in all its forms, ensuring a safer and more prosperous future for its people.

Ameer Zaman

Ameer Zaman is originally from Quetta, Balochistan and is an independent researcher, delving into bilateral relations and regional dynamics.

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